Save Time and Money with DocStar ECM Document Management

DocStar document management and enterprise content management solutions empower your team to capture, store and manage any document, from any location, on any device.

reduce processing costs Reduce costs

Save thousands of dollars in storage and equipment by storing documents electronically.

Access on-the-go

Increase efficiency and speed with secure access to data from any device, anywhere in the world.

Browse based document management  Improve speed and security

Save hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars with fast, accurate intelligent data capture.


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Integrated with virtually every ERP, accounting, HRIS, and other line of business application

document management - partners

The Document Management Features You Need

Without the Complexity of High Cost

document management

AP Automation

Make AP processing easy and 100% electronic with a 360° view of all accounts payable data.

HR Documents

Spend more time managing your personnel, not your HR documents. Automatically, quickly and securely.

Sales Order Automation

Streamline sales order entry by automating processes and eliminating manual order entry errors.

Document Management

Build custom workflows to effortlessly move any kind of content to the right place.