We sometimes see confusion regarding the difference between what the Save Button and Submit buttons do when viewing a document. Save primarily preserves changes to the makeup of a document while Submit saves and moves workflow forward.
Email Import is a feature which allows the DocStar Client Service to reach into an imap or pop email account and pull in content. Best of all, you can set all sorts of rules to best suit your needs. Learn all you need to know here.
The Workflow screen grants visibility into your team's workflow status. Use the Work Items list or Approval Requests to find a detailed grid of all items awaiting interaction or approval from you.
The Designated Service user--or DSU-- is a DocuSign user account which is used to perform background operations such as workflow services where there’s no human user logged in. We only use this when there’s no human user in context.
The Wait For task will put your workflow into a hold state while DocStar ECM waits for a particular condition to be true. You can set a limit to how long it will wait and enable polling to allow DocStar ECM to check for this periodically.